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Moineau™ progressive cavity pumps

One of the biggest challenges in environmental protection is the cost-effective treatment and handling of municipal and industrial waste water. PCM pumps are available for a wide range of key applications, with a specialist selection of efficient waste water treatment systems, as well as pumps for dewatering sludge and metering chemical additives.

Ecomoineau™ C small progressing cavity pump

A concentration of technology !
The shortest stainless-steel Progressing Cavity Pump on the market and the smart choice for a wide range of applications and industries (chemicals, minerals, paper, ...)


Ecomoineau™ M progressing cavity pump

The first eco-designed progressing cavity pump.
PCM Ecomoineau™ M is the most compact progressing cavity pump (PCP) available on the market today. Its revolutionary design combines the legendary performance and reliability of PCM PCP technology with a highly modular, eco-friendly design.

GCA-GVA-GBB cake pumps

Gavo series: cake pumps for concentrated and dehydrated sludges that offer all the advantages of the progressing cavity pumps technology: easy maintenance, respect of products, non pulsating constant flow rate.

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